Vendor/Sponsor Request
Rates & Info
Table: $250 non-partner; $200 NJEMA Partner (includes 2 entry tickets)
Table w/ Attendee List: $350 non-partner; $300 NJEMA Partner (includes 2 entry tickets)​
Bronze Sponsor $250.00
- (half page ad in program** and 2 entry tickets)
Silver Sponsor $350.00
- (full page ad in program** and 2 entry tickets)
Gold Sponsor $500.00
- (full page ad in program**, banner displayed in main hall*, and 2 entry tickets)
Breakfast/Lunch Sponsor (2 available) $500.00
- (full page ad in program**, signage provided at food tables, and 2 entry tickets)
Diamond Sponsor (1 available) $1000.00
- (back cover ad of program**, 2 banners displayed in main hall, and 2 entry tickets)
Event Sponsor (1 available) $3000.00
- (name mentioned in event advertising, emblem on front cover of program, ad on inside front cover
of program**, 2 banners displayed in main hall and 2 at the entrance*, 1 vendor table, and 2 entry
The NJEMA Symposium Committee has the right to accept or reject any vendor or sponsorship applications.
* Banners shall be provided by the vendor or sponsor. They shall be vertical style and should be no wider than 48” and 84” tall.
** All artwork for program advertisements shall be provided by the sponsor.
Buy an Ad!
Buy an ad in our attendee pamphlet! We will also publish your information on the vendors and sponsors page online. Ads do not come with entry tickets. We offer half page and full page ads.